Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Creation from Being with Christel Crawford



Creating Beyond Reality! with Heather Nichols What if creation wasn’t about the doing of it? What if it was about being it – receiving it – and then acting on the small whispers of awareness you gently receive? I wonder how much more aware we can be and what that would create for our lives, our future, and the planet? Join Heather & Christel for a conversation about the joy of creation that happens when you’re truly willing to be it! Christel Crawford, CFMW is a Certified Facilitator, Dominatrix of Business & Wealther Creation for Heather Nichols, Coordinator with Karlina van der Weij, and the Social Media Maven for Curry Glassel & Right Riches for You. Fast, full-on and fearless. What else is possible when you truly commit to your life?