Unchained With Becky Herdt

What Awareness Are you Avoiding? ~ Becky Herdt



How many times do we turn off our awareness, perhaps to avoid something we judge as uncomfortable?  Or perhaps to have as an excuse to be unhappy?  Or, is it that sometimes our awareness just seems like “too much?”  What would it be like to actually operate from choice, and never have to turn  your awareness off?  Is it possible to do that and not be so uncomfortable that we wish to run away?  What else is possible here that we haven’t yet considered?    Join us (and bring your awareness’s) in this discussion that could well change your life!    Becky Herdt is a Business and Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Radio Show Host, Author and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who finds great joy in working with people and organizations to discover what unique talents and capacities they already have – especially those things hidden from view! www.unchainedwithbecky.com