

Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Many of you know Call and Response as a musical process, but did you know that’s how the universe actually works. The universe and everything and everyone is always responding perfectly to our “call.” Our “call” is what we are consciously and unconsciously asking for and the frequency we are resonating at. This energetic we play in the world is essentially a call that says: “This is what I’m available for. How do you know what your available sign says? You simply look at your life and everything in it and you will see what your “availability” is. Good news is we can change our Call and the Universe will respond in kind. Drop by the show this Wednesday at 10am MST and we help you upgrade your Call and Response System. Take advantage of the deeply discounted promotional package offered through our 22nd Century Consciousness Showcase interview by going here: and use the code LEAP for the $97 rate! ~ More About Love, Life & Al