Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

195. How Does Winning In Football Translate To Business? With Tajh Boyd (Part 3)



There are no good excuses. That is why they are called excuses. Unfortunately, most people don't even realize what false truths they are believing. Thom Shea, 23 year Navy SEAL vet and sniper, mentions that there are four main excuses we all have in our lives: I'm tired, I don't have support, pain, and the most common, I forgot. How do you get rid of these? You have to want it more than you do now. Whatever you are trying to achieve needs to overcome the excuse, even "I forgot". Because of the difficulty of life and goals in general, these excuses tend to be subtle, seductive, and believable. Think about it: you are in pain, you're tired, no one believes in you and the real, tangible things are there. Truly successful people silence those excuses and don't allow them to define the decisions they make. Your goals have to be more tempting than the opportunity to quit. Quitting sounds so good, right? No more pain. No more suffering. However, the regret will eat you alive. You can stay average or you can be great