Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 103: Nutritional Nonsense, Knuckleheads, and Nincompoops DEBUNKED



Nutritional Nonsense, Knuckleheads, and Nincompoops DEBUNKED In today's episode, I'm going to shine the spotlight of TRUTH on several nutritional myths, have truths, and blatant lies of the 4.5 Trillion dollar wellness industry. I won't be able to cover them all because that would be a 21-day podcast, and although I have no doubts that you'd listen to all 21 hours, I'd lose my mind and voice. So, today I'm just gonna rant and rage about the ones that are top of mind for me right now. I'd grab a beverage and a comfy seat because this could get a little wild. Here are a few of the highlights and hot topics I cover in this week's show: #1 How they (marketers) get you to believe their pill, potion, or program will work. #pain #2 The crazy lies I see on Facebook promising the ability to "release" 25 pounds in 30 days. #thisaintbassfishing #3 The six weeks to the body of your dreams nonsense. #overwhelmed #confused #4 All the "special" foods you need to eat to lose weight. These are just a few of the topics I touch