Kensington Church Orlando

Back to a New Future



Prior to COVID-19, we were a society that was in a constant state of rush, addiction, stress, compulsive behavior, spending, and so on. Maybe we’re not in a rush right now, there just aren’t enough choices out there for what to do but as soon as the SIP is lifted the temptation will be there to re-enter that frantic pace. We were yoked, attached, addicted to the sickness of hurry and have paid the price with our health, our families, our relationships, and our souls. Covid has given us an opportunity that God can use to unyoke ourselves from Hurry and yoke ourselves to Jesus who says that if we who are weary and tired will come to him that He will give us rest. He tells us his yoke is easy and His burden is light because he shoulders the load. In this talk we will explore where we have been in our past and how to step into a new future “yoked” to Jesus.