Dos Marcos

Your Name Is On the List: When 6 Words Change Your Life



After 25 years as a Human Resources Executive, Dale Kreienkamp heard the words no employee wants to hear, "Your name is on the list." Those six words signaled his involuntary departure from a company he had spent the better part of his career investing in, and to his new status of unemployed.  Undeterred, Dale went through the normal stages of unemployment grief (which, as he tells us, is a real thing people don't talk about), but then regrouped and in doing so wrote a book entitled, "How Long, Oh Lord, How Long." The book is a compilation of devotions for those who find themselves unemployed, those in the land of unemployment and unsure when it will end, those who want to support unemployed family and friends, and for leaders looking to get better. As we chatted with Dale, one consistent theme emerged: your outlook will shape how you face hard times. Although no one ever wants to go through difficult life transitions, they are inevitable. How you proceed is half the battle. Now, as a consultant assistin