Dos Marcos

Announcing The Dos Marcos Book Name



Mark Quinn said it best, "We don't want retailers to survive. We want them to thrive."  In this week's episode, we reveal the name of our new book, "Come Back to Bed: Attract More Foot Traffic And Make People Fall In Love With Your Store. " As your Sleep Industry Guides, Dos Marcos has traveled the mattress universe looking for tried-and-true foot traffic drivers. Over the years we've gathered dozens of ideas that have been implemented by real retailers. But the book is more than a list of ways to attract foot traffic; Dos Marcos will show you how to build a brand people love, connect with people in a meaningful way, and truly differentiate your business from the competition.  Here's a taste of what's inside the book, a snippet from Chapter 3 that touches on why mattress and furniture stores have to change and adapt to be here tomorrow.  "We live in an attention economy. If you capture people's attention, you can get paid. Fail to make people look and listen and business will suffer. Offer the