Sam And Maggie Hate Glee

Season 2 Episode 19 - Rumours and Also Guests! Well, One Guest. ft. the Coleman



We're baaaaack! And this time we brought a friend (also Maggie happened to be in his town of residence so it worked out). Welcome to Andrew Coles, who is one of the hosts of the hit comedy erotic book club podcast The Devil's Threesome! He joins us to talk about season 2, episode 19, "Rumours," where Glee proves that it can't really do anything right, especially Fleetwood Mac. There are some ups and downs this episode, so join us for the roller coaster! Also, make sure to tweet us your #goldstar, #bestnumber, and #rating to get shoutouts on future episodes! Sorry about the length of the episode - Andrew hasn't actually watched a lot of the show so we had some fun riffs asking him to tell us what was going on, which also made us realize that this show is just bonkers.If you like what we do, please consider supporting us at!You can also contact us:Facebook: @sandmhategleeEmail: See for privacy