Sam And Maggie Hate Glee

Season 2 Episode 15 - "Sexy-fied", by Mr. Blaine Warbler



Today's episode is all about sex, and sexiness, and more sex. Well, kinda. We're not here to educate, because Glee sure as heck isn't either. We are here, however, to tell you all about season 2 episode 15, "Sexy", which is really just the "Gwenyth Paltrow had two episodes in her contract so here we are" episode, and we couldn't be happier. Holly Holiday is pretty much the best character anyway.Oh, also, this has a sneak peak of our two new podcasts, "The Name of the Podcast/The Wise Man's Podcast" and "The Rise Aside" (neither of which is real, don't worry).If you like what we do, please consider supporting us at!You can also contact us:Facebook: @sandmhategleeEmail: See for privacy and opt-out information.