Academic Woman Amplified

59: Planning Re-Entry into Writing



There are times, like at the end of a semester, when you might put your writing aside. How do you pick it back up again with the least amount of stress and the most creative potential?   Your workload ebbs and flows, and there are times (like the end of a semester) when you may put your writing aside; in fact, I recommend it. So how do you pick it back up again? If you’re thinking you’ll get all your grades in, finish your semester tasks, then jump right into it again, I’m asking you to reconsider! In order to build your creative potential back up and get back into writing in a way that will feel like soaring rather than slogging, you need to do a few things.   First Things First: Rest and Restore Don’t shake this one off. It’s vitally important, not just to your health, but to the quality of your writing. We all want to create more, write more, get more done and it might seem like the best way to do that is to spend more time, more energy, do more. Not so! A life coach of mine introduced me to the “create-re