Fishonted - Ted Johnson

Silver Skalez Tackle - Premier Kokanee Tackle and more ....



Silver Skalez is only a few months old but the business has exploded due to their passion for the sport and their endless attention to what catches fish.   It has been a challenge for Silver Skalez to keep up with all the demand,  even in this short amount of time. Founded by Brandon Pakareck and Mike Lunley (along with the help of their wifes Amanda and Trinka) Silver Skalez offers a maurid of lures and other products that, plainly stateed,  catch fish.   If you are a Kokanee fisherman you will appreciate their Koko leaf lures that have tremendous action and their new Wild Safari Glow series. Long time fishermen,  Brandon and Mike have spent thousands of hours fishing central California's lakes, rivers and estuaries.  In this interview they share with us their experiences and passion for the sport.   They also give us some tips on how to fish their most popular lures. Silver Skalez has an online store at You can also reac