Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

212. Four choices of leadership



If you haven’t purchased Three Simple Things:  leading during chaos.  Please go to amazon and order a copy or if you like to listen order the audio version.  Read the pages and apply the work in your life and let’s all break out of this silly funk we are in. 2021 What will you do with your life in 2021?  Will you shelter in place?  Will you not open your business because someone whom you are paying to make leadership choices for you tell you to not open your business because it could make people sick?  Will you take so needed responsibility for your life and the future of those around you and make great, urgent, this is my life and my state and my country choices? Odds are you have gotten too comfortable with waiting for someone to lead or too comfortable with doing what you are told even though those who tell you what to do don’t even practice what they suggest.  80% of every population from the beginning of written history are always going to do what others suggest.  So, don’t feel bad if you find it much e