Pat & Stu

6/7/17 - Woman Sues France, "Old-Timey" Jobs are In, Monica Gets a Movie



-The Bill Cosby sexual assault allegations have created a saga that is ongoing. Will we ever learn the truth? -A French woman has sued her own country's government over her breathing difficulties, which she attributes to air pollution. -Old-timey jobs are starting to be hip again. Hand-crafted products are all the rage. What does this trend have to say about the emerging millennial generation? -Amazon is apparently working on a new movie about Monica Lewinsky. Would any of our crew want to see it? -TBS recently aired a version of the classic film 'Back to the Future' in which the scene in which Doc Brown mentions 'Libyans' has been edited. Did this politically correct action go too far? -Glenn Beck and David Barton join the program with another segment from 'The Vault'. Listen to Pat & Stu for FREE on TheBlaze Radio Network from 5p-7p ET, Mon. through Fri. @PatandStuFacebook: PatandStu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit