People's Republic

Resisting the empire: Cubans fight back against U.S. imperialism



January 1 marks the 59th year of the victory of the Cuban Revolution against the Batista dictatorship. With this victory, the Cuban people were able to chart a new course for the development of society, one that put the needs of the workers before the profit margins of U.S. corporations. Despite 59 years of U.S.-backed counterrevolutionary plots, Cuba has continued to completely reverse the oppression and economic impoverishment wrought by the Batista dictatorship. Cuba now leads the way in LGBTQ rights, women's rights, and is making great strides in medical technology, proving that a socialist society can undo in decades the oppressive social structures that capitalism took centuries to impose.But the fight is not yet over. The presidencies of Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump alike have seen both overt attempts to penetrate Cuban society with international finance capital via the tourism industry, as well as subversive acts by U.S. regime change operatives to completely subvert Cuban democracy. Whether in the