Renaissance Life

RL011: A Year of Saying Yes, Mental Health, Improv and more with Ludine Pierre



RL011: A Year of Saying Yes, Mental Health, Improv and more with Ludine Pierre Support the Renaissance Become a Patreon @ (It's a Win - Win) First 50 Subscribers on the Apprentice level or higher will get 2 hours free of Life Mastery Coaching from me. One on one Renaissance Recommends Shownotes: Books: Brenè Brown Documentaries: Surf Wise Music: Fiest The Wild Reeds Grizzly Bear The Shivers Das Please Leave a Review on iTunes to spread the word about the Renaissance: Review the Renaissance on iTunes Join the fresh Newsletter: Weekly Recommedations of music, books, health, podcasting and moreSponsored By:You!: The First 50 That Subscribers at the Apprentice or Journey-man / Journey-woman tier ($10 - $15 /mo) will get 2 free hours of Life Mastery Coaching from me. We can talk about anything you are struggling with or working on. One on One.