Renaissance Life

RL010: Joshua C. Green from Permanent Record Drums & SummerDregs



RL010: Joshua C. Green from Permanent Record Drums & Summer Dregs "If you do something every day, you're going to get better at what you are doing." "You have one very vapor-esque life on this earth, you're here for a very short time — it's like a blink — what are you waiting on?" Two Josh's sit down and have a jolly good time discussing music, philosophy, pain, health and wellness, daily challenges and more. If you like fun, you'll love this episode. Shownotes: Summer Dregs Infradig The Distribution Instagram: @PermanentRecordDrums "One of the best things you can do as a human is to be in a band when you're young because even if you are super crappy, you are going to have to make creative decisions and argue and work stuff out" Book: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Book: The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson Book: Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac Book: On The Road by Jack Kerouac Music: Medeski Scofield Martin & Wood Music: Kruder & Dorfmeister Music: Sa