Renaissance Life

RL003: (Solo Round) How to Become a Renaissance Man / Renaissance Woman today.



How to Become a Renaissance Man / Renaissance Woman today Rate us on iTunes if you feel called to do so ***** 5 stars would mean the world to me Becoming Renaissance Choose a set of skills (3 - 5) you would love to be a master. Make them into daily habits by practicing in a small way. make it something stupid small, the easier it is, the more likely you'll make a habit out of it. Prioritize your skill list. Choose one that's the most important to you RIGHT NOW, focus on it first. Build up your abilities in that skill before pursuing the next. Developing multiple skills at once is possible, but it's far more likely (and easy) if you stick with one at a time. Study the greats of today and from history. Who is a master in what you want to do already? What can you learn from their path? What systems do they have in place? Add regular feedback, and measurements to your routine to get the most improvement in the shortest amount of time. Remember, what gets measured get's managed. Measure things in a way that is