Spiritual Rockstar Radio

Messages of Peace From Across The Universe



Notes from John, Messages from Across the Universe, a book about collections of the late John l and George H ’s thoughts on how to achieve world peace. I have two other book on princess Diana s channeling of solutions for world peace directed to solving the world most troubled spots- the Middle East, with love from Diana, Queen of Hearts, and Princess Diana’s Message of Peace. About Marcia McMahon, M.A. the Angel MessengerI am a Spiritual Teacher having taught many online classes, and on ground angelic Reiki retreats. I am channel for the angels The RA Group, Heavenly Host and Elohim. AA Michael, and I’ve written a book , Ascension Teachings with Archangel Michael . I’ve also written Notes from John, Messages from across the Universe, a collection of his words and thoughts from the afterlife of musical notations, humor whit and actual lyrics with late John Lennon. I am not a musician, but this is channeled music from the late and famous medium Robert Murray of Canada. This music airs weekly on my radio show o