Spiritual Rockstar Radio

How Our Money Conditioning Influences Our World (And What To Do About It)



Our money conditioning profoundly influences the way we see our world.  Imagine making your most important business and life decisions looking through someone else’s glasses. Could you clear up your financial challenges through that lens?The money conditioning you receive early in life impacts what you resist and what you create as an adult. Until you shine a spotlight on that conditioning, you are creating your life through someone else’s glasses.When your unconscious conditioning is driving your decisions, growing your business can feel like a free fall, or even worse, a collision course!We translate messages about money into beliefs about our personal worthiness & what is possible & “okay” for us to achieve.  You can see what a big deal this is. It's a little scary, right?Ready to take an honest look at your unconscious money beliefs?Download my “Meet Your Money Archetype” Quiz Here. Discover your Sacred Money Contract, your most Empowering Money MindsetAbout MichelleMichelle Atlas helps creative,