Spiritual Rockstar Radio

Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul



In recent years, the mindfulness revolution has taught millions of people the power ofinsight, intuition, and compassion. Today’s neuroscience and other scientific disciplinesare beginning to explain how these higher functions of the mind work to improve ourlives. But where do we go from here? According to author Colleen Mauro, the founder and former editor-in- chiefof Intuition: A Magazine for the Higher Potential of the Mind, our next step is beyond themind and inward to the soul—with the help of advanced practices that bring about evenhigher forms of intuitive perception. This work is best summed up with the phrase“spiritual telepathy.” In Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdomof Your Soul, Colleen introduces mind-training practices that allow us to access thewisdom and guidance of our own souls—and beyond it to the riches of the universalmind.