Saas Breakthrough

How Found Product Market Fit and Built a Magnetic ABM Strategy for Growth



Meet Ekaterina Kazakova the marketing manager at, an embedded integration platform for SaaS companies. Ekaterina joined during the very first days and is responsible for its global growth. In this episode, you'll hear how events can be a great kick-starter for a marketing team, live events in particular. You'll learn about the ABM strategies need to find your perfect target market, person-based advertising and how to incorporate it seamlessly into your outbound messaging. You'll also hear about the opportunities that are presented once you find product-market fit and how utilizes that and the number one event you should absolutely attend if you are in SaaS. Enjoy! Notes: 02:30 An Integration Platform Born From Constant Requests 04:00 The Best Integration Scenario For Each Company 06:30 Integrations' Builders and Consultants 07:20 Internal Resources and Prioritization 09:15 Joining At The Very 1st Day and Going Straight Into An Event 11:00 Focusing On SEO and ABM 16:30 Doing Pers