Heart Filled Holidays

Conquering stress, food and holiday budgets - Paula Galli and Mvelopes product manager interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, November 13



Today we're covering some of the touchy topics in our lives: food and money and stress. We'll kick things off with a simple strategy I use to save time and reduce stress in my home. I use it all year long but especially appreciate during the holiday season. We'll take a quick look at a fun way to express gratitude for Thanksgiving. Then we have two guests joining us with conversations on food and money. Paula Galli will be talking to us about how to deal with food during the holidays and Wes Shelnutt from mvelopes is sharing a tip for staying out of debt this holiday season. And in Christmas Corner I'm chatting about Black Friday, sharing tips for making the most of your day whether you hit the stores or hide in your home.