Heart Filled Holidays

Christmas in July ~ Guest: Lane Jordan



July is here and it's time for fun! But instead of having fun do you find yourself feeling stressed? Yup, just when there's great weather for picnics, bike rides, and beach time you find yourself fraying around the edges. It's a common issue and one that I ran into recently. Tune in to learn the details and to find out how you can de-stress your life and create more space for joy. Then we're chatting with Lane Jordan about her book 12 Steps to Having a More Organized Christmas and Holiday Season. July might seem a bit early to be thinking about the holiday season but if you're planning on making your own gifts, traveling to visit family or friends, or you just want to make sure you enjoy this Christmas then July is the perfect time to take a peek and even do a little planning. Lane teaches women how to use simple planning and organization strategies to make their lives better and today she's sharing some ideas for the holiday season. You don't want to miss this!