Heart Filled Holidays

Sweet Wellness ~ Priscilla Stephan



Summer is a great time of year, the perfect time to ditch the schedules and have some fun. It's also a time where spending can easily get out of control. As you pop from one fun activity to the next it's easy to end up buying things you didn't expect. Today we'll share a few quick tips for spending less this summer while still having a great time. Then we'll chat with Priscilla Stephan from Sweet Path Wellness. Priscilla takes a whole life view of wellness, working with us on body, mind, and spirit to bring us to that sweet spot that works in our own life. She'll be sharing insights and tips for finding your own sweet spot for living happy and healthy. And in Christmas Corner I have a tip for creating beautiful sugar cookies, the kind that belong in a magazine photo. Then we'll take a look at a really simple homemade gift you'll want to make now so you can enjoy it yourself before giving it all away at the holidays.