Heart Filled Holidays

Get What You Want ~ Guest: Lisa Giruzzi



The New Year is a time for resolutions but I want more than that for you, I want you to live a life you love every day. So we're taking a look at how to do that including a special guest, Lisa Giruzzi, who will join us for an inside look at achieving successful outcomes. Lisa has some surprising ways of looking at your life and simple solutions for getting what you want out of every area of your life. Plus, I'll show you how to simplify your life with the Little Black Wardrobe and share another emergency meal, one of those dinners you can toss together in 10 minutes with ingredients that are easy to keep around the kitchen. In Christmas Corner we'll deal with the overload of toys your kids received for Christmas. I know you've been tripping over them and constantly cleaning them up for the last few weeks. Today you can find out how to stop doing that and live in a clutter-free zone.