Heart Filled Holidays

Time Management Magic ~ Sandy Fowler



Between the winter storms and winter germs we haven’t had a normal week around our house since before Christmas. Snow days extended the Christmas break and have shown up several times since. Hubby’s tutoring sessions are in constant flux because clients can’t get out of their subdivisions or libraries where they meet are closed. Our baby missed a couple days of school due to some strange bug going around and, to top it off, one of our cars decided that it’s just too cold to leave the garage so we’ve been juggling rides with one car while Tom fixes that. I’m hearing similar stories from families all over the country. There was even an article in the paper about the weather and how it’s contributing to families’ crankiness. Between the cabin fever and the disrupted schedules, we’re all feeling the pinch. Today I want to share some ideas to help you move past that. We’ll be kicking things off with a few ways you and your spouse can cozy up and enjoy the extra indoor time followed by some tips for creating easy