Heart Filled Holidays

Money Matters ~ Guest: Belinda Rosenblum



Money matters in our life. No, money doesn't create happiness but not understanding it and not having a plan for how to spend it can certainly cause unhappiness. This week we're addressing common concerns as well as tips and strategies for using it wisely to add to your joy. Our guest this week is Belinda Rosenblum, a CPA and wealth expert who will cast a bright shining light on our finances and simple things we can do to enhance what we have and turn over bad habits. She'll share the three A's and why they will make or break your financial success plus many other tips for avoiding those financial hangovers. And in Christmas Corner we'll take a peek at having fun at Christmas without breaking the bank. From decorating to gifts to parties there are simple tips and strategies to keep you on track. We'll get things started and look forward to hearing your ideas too!