Heart Filled Holidays

A Peek Inside Stress-Free Parenting ~ Guest: Erin Kurt



Kids and holidays go hand-in-hand. Celebrating with children always seems to make things sweeter. They love with abandon, celebrate with glee and show us the path to true happiness. They are often times the reason we celebrate and they are more than happy to join us. AND...family life can feel overwhelming and exhausting. Trying to plan a party with kids who are being unruly or testing the limits can push our over-worked selves to the brink. Trying to juggle and balance all the activities and commitments of everyday life with the added tasks for creating a celebration can feel like it's not worth it. So can we enjoy our celebrations? Can our holidays really be filled with joy? Find out as we chat with Erin Kurt, an author, coach and mom who lives and teaches about stress-free parenting. We'll get an inside peek at her family, her parenting, and their celebrations. And along the way we'll get some valuable tips and advice from someone who's been there and done that.