Heart Filled Holidays

Self-Compassion ~ Guest: Kristin Neff, PhD



After a season of planning, organizing, giving and going it's time to take a deep breath. Today's show will be a chance for you to do that. So grab a cup of tea, relax and join us as we discover ways to enjoy ourselves more and increase our happiness by taking care of ourselves. We'll be looking at some fun ways to take care of yourself as well as why and how you can go easy on yourself without becoming horribly self-indulgent or selfish. Our guest is Kristin Neff. Kristin is an associate professor and a leading authority on Self-Compassion. She's the author of Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind and she's joining us today to give us a different perspective self-compassion, self-esteem and happiness.