Savage Babe

E32: Going From Survivor To Thriver Mode | Healing From A Painful Past



Summary: In this episode, I interview a special guest. Her name is Marian Bacol-Uba. She is a 33 year old Motivational Speaker, Transformation Coach, and Conscious Content Creator, residing in Miami, FL (originally from LA, CA). She founded what is known as Thriver Lifestyle where she helps women transform from survivors to THRIVERs, turn pain into purpose and THRIVE in mind, body and soul. She openly shares her story of how years ago, she was a successful Marketing Executive, yet felt unfulfilled, unhappy and dealt with her PTSD and depression through alcohol and substance abuse. It wasn’t until an overdose and out-of-body, near-death experience that she finally WOKE UP! She was given a second chance and has since radically transformed her life through holistic healing, wellness and shifting her mindset. Now, she shares her inspiring “Survivor to Thriver” story globally by speaking, coaching and empowering other survivors to transform trauma into triumphs, heal themselves from within, and THRIVE in mind, bod