#cageclub: The Nicolas Cage Podcast

104 Color Out of Space (2019)



Finally. At long last, after more than a year of waiting, and just about six months of friends telling us we *had* to see Color Out of Space, the time has come. Joining us to talk about all things Nicolas Cage, Richard Stanley, and H.P. Lovecraft is past guest (and Lovecraft superfan) Chris Podcasts. In this episode, we talk about the unseeable color, the many alpacas, and Wiccan rituals. We also discuss whether or not this is a good adaptation of the Lovecraft story, whether or not that question even matters, and where Color Out of Space falls in the lineage of Lovecraft adaptations. Also: there's a revelation and a confession that could shock you to the core and rattle the future of #CageClub as we know it.