Buffalo Poets

Conversation and Poetry with Martha Deed



Welcome to conversation and poetry with Martha Deed, who has been writing ever since she could hold a crayon or pencil. Academically, she started off in history, completed her B.A. in Psychology at the New School for Social Research in Greenwich Village (New York City) when the village was teaming with poets ? Ashbery, Creeley, Ginsberg, Dylan Thomas and others ? who were meeting in places where she did not dare to go and consuming liquids and other substances she wished to avoid. Next stop: Boston University where she earned her PhD and launched her career as a psychologist. She studied one building away from the famous Robert Lowell seminar that included Anne Sexton, Maxine Kumin and others. But she was unaware of them. For the next 30 years, she combined writing with her career as a psychologist, retiring early in 2000 to write full time. Since then, she has published four books (one as editor), several chapbooks and dozens of poems. Two Pushcart nominations and winner of the Ice Boom contest. She has read