Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Dr. Mark Hyman Helps You Find the Blood Sugar Solution



Blood sugar issues? Today's Gab with the Gurus guest is bestselling author and renowned physician Dr. Mark Hyman, author of the exciting new book, The Blood Sugar Solution. Dr. Hyman has dedicated his career to identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic illness through a groundbreaking whole-systems medicine approach known as Functional Medicine. You'll get tips galore from Dr. Hyman -- who is an internationally recognized leader in his field -- strives to improve access to Functional Medicine, and to widen the understanding and practice of it, empowering others to stop managing symptoms and instead treat the underlying causes of illness, thereby also tackling our chronic-disease epidemic. In today's Gab with the Gurus Show, you'll learn about Dr. Hyman's Diabesity Quiz, which gives you a very precise idea of how much you are at risk. Make sure to mark your calendar to hear Dr. Hyman, who is also Chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine and was awarded its 2009 Linus Pauling Award for Lead