Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Carbs Can Kill You with Dr. Robert K. Su



The Gab with the Gurus continues its third anniversary year with physician Dr. Robert K. Su, author of Carbohydrates Can Kill. Dr. Su is among the most cutting-edge physicians, who is spreading the word that carbohydrates are one of the most underrates and misunderstood threats to consumer today. In this Gab with the Gurus Show, you'll learn: How to treat your body as one unit, understanding that each part affects all other parts. Find your own ideal carbohydrate-restricted diet (one that you can stick to). Recognize your body’s reactions to your lifestyle, and alter that lifestyle as necessary. Purposefully strengthen your immune system. Dr. Su, who's originally from Taipei, Taiwan, graduated from the School of Pharmacy, former Taipei Medical College and then graduated from Nagasaki University School of Medicine in 1971, receiving his Medical Doctor degree. He briefly interned at the Department of Surgery, Nagasaki City Hospital, after graduating from medical school. He completed his internship at Episcopal