Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Relax Into The Divine Unfolding : How To Receive Intuitive Guidance



The tension is building within the collective as well as astrologically and we might be feeling this energy within us. We've been going through a lot this last year and feeling the uncertainty of the times. This can cause us to want to force outcomes or circumstances and the energy that we're moving into is requiring us to flow instead of force. In order to flow, we have to slow down. We can't do things the way we're used to doing them anymore. The way in which we work, live and be are shifting. We're being guided to show up differently and this requires us to slow down enough so that we can receive the intuitive guidance for our next best steps.  Do you trust that the universe has your back? Are you slowing down enough to receive its guidance? Follow me on Instagram for more support @hannahlholladay and TikTok @hanholla Email me to book a 1 on 1 session at hholladay@gmail.com Try guided meditations on my YouTube