Jody England




Wild One,How are you?Where are you?For many of Us, that is more than a little sketchy to fully discern at the moment.Massive shifts in consciousness, shadows and old patterns showing themselves with amplified noise and conflict, financial markets strained and dissolving, wildfires burning, uncertainty reigning.​​​​​​​This is life inside of an Expedited Evolutionary Impulse.The rocking of the boat on the storm tossed sea of Creation Growing Itself.It can be either a terrifying or exhilarating experience.Especially terrifying if we don’t know how to ride the rapids of this white water adventure.Clinging to our life jackets and trying to slow the ride down by heaving our oars in the water, or hunkering down in the corner of the raft - ducking and covering in hopes that the end of the ride is near.It isn’t.We are just getting started.Our annihilation is imminent.Complete and utter destruction of all we have known.It is a cause for Celebration.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today, I’ll tell you why: https://wildsoulm