Jody England

How Do I Get THERE From HERE



It is Wild Soul Medicine Radio day again.That mid-point in the week where we locate ourselves inside the intensity and chaos of a life Unfolding and put our metaphorical finger down on the map to say, “We. Are. Here.”How can we get where we are going if we aren’t sure where we already ARE?With no set reference points to navigate from, it can feel like being tossed around in a washing machine on heavy spin cycle.Which end is Up?How do I get off this ride?On Wild Soul Medicine today I am wearing my Soul Cartographer hat.I am an expert at recognizing patterns, systems, and processes and creating frameworks that invite our consciousness to expand into the awareness they provide.Today we begin charting this territory with a map of Soul Development - the 3 steps of evolution that all Souls must go through in order to grow into Wholeness.Bringing order to the seeming chaos of evolutionary process allows us to surrender more fully into Becoming.Mapping the territory of our Soul’s expansion and ego’s dissolution gives