Jody England

Suzanne Raja... She's Coming Undone



I trust your week was filled with reflection and unfolding as you allow the energetics of Undoing to move in and through your system. What a joy to connect with you over the Medicine of Dr. Jonathan Hudson’s Holy Hot Seat Session last week in our first ever Live in the Tribe Open Forum! If you missed our post-session debrief, you can catch it here: week we continue with another wild hearted exploration into the landscape of Being Human. As we Witness the depth of radical self responsibility modeled by these courageous pioneers of peace, we are activated to drop further into the space of examining our own exiled places and discovering the pathways toward loving Inclusion.Today we are honored to welcome Suzanne Raja to the Center of the Sacred Circle of Becoming: PersonaSuzanne Raja is the embodiment of true Feminine radiance and of deep Femininepower. Simply being in Suzanne’s presen