Jody England

Truth or Faction



I have been disturbed this week by some striking examples of the continued factionalization of our collective through interpersonal violence in the form of political correctness, social media outrage, and holier than thou, good old fashioned shaming.It’s rough to watch the drum beat of “Oh No she didn’t!” reach crescendo pitch as the next witch is brought forward for trial by Facebook.What are we doing?Are some of us blessed with special insight that gives us unique permission to call out the egregious ignorance of our brothers and sisters?If we can prove our own victimhood beyond a shadow of a doubt (at least in our mind) do we have a free pass to make others pay for their privilege or oversight?Since the world seems to be getting meaner and meaner, do we have a green light to embrace the aggression of our oppressors and unleash it on each other?What is Real?What is worth fighting for?Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?On Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week we are in search of Truth.Sifting t