Fire Talk

Mom, Dad, I'm An Atheist Author David G McAfee



Welcome David G. McAfee to the show. McAfee is an outspoken atheist who opposes biblical literalism. He is a columnist for Canadian Freethinker Magazine and a contributor to American Atheist Magazine. His first published book, Disproving Christianity and Other Secular Writings, is a critique of biblical literalism. McAfee's newest title, Mom, Dad, I'm an Atheist, is a guide to living as an atheist in a society that's largely intolerant of disbelief.Whether you're new to disbelief and looking for the cleanest possible break from your former faith or you're a lifelong atheist who wants to establish a sense of community with like-minded people, this guide provides useful resources including: tips for handling potential conflicts with believers, the author's answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on behalf of believers, and numerous references to support groups, services, and advocacy organizations dedicated to non-theists.To learn more go to: