Kevin M. Touhey, Amazon Best Selling Author

The Survival of Love - Featuring Special Guest Maureen



Here's a glimpse into Maureen's trials and tribulatios: "My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer when I was in the middle of remembering the most heinous experiences from my childhood, many in which she was involved. I knew her cancer was terminal, and was torn, because I didn’t want to not have a relationship with her before she died. I prayed about our relationship. I worked with my therapist and support group to let go of my anger and hatred. I wanted a new relationship before she died, and during her last months, we created one. I had the opportunity to be her main caregiver at the end of her life. Taking care of her, loving her, protecting her when she was too weak to protect herself, was a gift and very powerful for me, and it helped me to heal. I really want to get across the message of hope and empowerment. That is what this show is about, faith, hope and forgiveness."