Quirky Inspired

Faith, Trust, and Vodka Shots



Ever felt like the world was caving in on you? Like you just couldn't breath? What about that nothing is ever going to go your way? Sound familiar? Say hello to Anxiety!In this week's episode we will be chatting about our frenemy anxiety and why it sucks so bad. I'm your host Ashley Sears! Welcome back kids! It's been two restful weeks since our last podcast, and this episode is inspired by my own journies through the suckage of anxiety, but before we get to that. Welcome to all the new listeners. If you are just joining us, you should go back and check out our first five episodes. We talk with some amazing people like Rachel Martin from Finding Joy, Stephen Lee from Master Chef, and Julia Cameron author of the Artist's Way. Lots of amazing stuff in those podcasts talking about how you can figure out who you are, and how to make your life rock!