Harmony Keys

Name-Calling is a Form of Abuse



Welcome to Harmony Keys!  Thanks for stopping by to hear about relationship issues that affect all of us at one time or another.Calling someone a Dumb-A, or any unattractive label, is a form of passive abuse.  If another person pins a label on you, it may feel like you were punched in the stomach.  The wind goes out of your sail.  Your heart sinks.  Even if there is no physical contact involved, verbal abuse can be devastating.In this episode, Dr. Joan gives an example of name-calling and offers two basic pointers that might help you, dear listener.  If you are experiencing name-calling in one of your relationships with a neighbor, with a family member, with a friend, or with a co-worker, or with anyone else, please tune in.  Her pointers may surprise you.A portion of each program is devoted to the reading of Dr. Joan's writings on relationship issues.  She is currently reading from her debut novel Gra Im Thu! I Love You!, a story about two Irish families who move to Utah in the early 20th Century.  Listen to