Philly Who?

Carlos Aponte: The History Teacher Reinventing Philly Schooling



Carlos Aponte is a history teacher at One Bright Ray Community High School and the creator of We Love Philly. We Love Philly is an Out-of-school time program that provides an ownership based education through community service projects. Students volunteer for local organizations, interview the leaders of those organizations on their podcast, and learn how to edit and produce that podcast. Carlos' journey to becoming an expert in helping Philly kids learn to love Philly was turbulent, as he moved around a lot and was on ADHD medication since the age of four. His own personal awakening came just three years ago, and in the time since he has already impacted hundreds of Philly youth. Support Philly Who? Donate via Paypal, Venmo: @podphillywho, Become a Monthly Patron, Purchase a T-Shirt or Hat, Become a Sponsor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit