Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

eBooks: Create, Format, Sell Show 07-17-2014



eBooks are part of the author's world. You may not read them, but lots of your readers do. You want to create your books in print and "e" and audio. Today's show will focus on the latest and greatest in the "e" world and more specifically, what formatting is open ... what should you be doing ... and how to find the right converter for you. With Judith today is Nick Taylor, a best selling author in his own right, geek galor and designer of eBooks and Audio Books. Nick is the founder of Light and Sound Graphics in Colorado. His wesite is -What is the latest on eBooks. -Why you need formatting. -What you can include in a book and what you can't. -What you should do to prep for eBook formatting. -How to handle books with forms. -How you can work with your formatter to save time and money. -How to select someone to design your book. -And so much more. Don't miss this show ...another high-content hour with Judith Briles, author of Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book