Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Success with Pinterest Show 03-14-2013



Pin Your Way to Success with Pinterest Pinterest is the Virtual Corkboard - think image bookmarking that others can see and share. Pinterest is a great social media tool for building your brand and generating traffic to your website. If increasing your book and product sales are of interest, then stay tuned. MarketWatch says, "Pinterest Users Nearly Twice as Likely to Purchase then Facebook Users" - and it's not just for girls. Social media is at it’s best when we can schedule, integrate and measure the effectiveness of our efforts. We'll talk about what Pinterest is, but more importantly how to make it effectively work for you. About Judith;s guest: An entrepreneur since 1987, Susan Gilbert ( is the CEO of Online Promotion Success and has evolved years of traditional business experience into several cutting edge projects, which includes her web development, social media and search engine marketing promotions. As co-author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Starting and Running a C