Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Guy Kawasaki on Book Publishing 02-14-2013



To publish ... traditional or self ... that is the question. To give his take, is NY Times best selling author Guy Kawasaki who has created his own publishing imprint, delivering APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. Every author asks the questions: Do I do it own my own or do I seek a publisher? If I do it on my own, what are the costs? Where can I get money? What can I expect to make? Which way would be best? How is book marketing done? Will a book store want my book if it's self published? Answers will be here with Guy Kawasaki, former Chief Evangelist for Apple and creative out of the box. Another lively hour on Your Guide to Book Publishing with Dr. Judith Briles at 6 pm EST, author of Show Me About Book Publishing and Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms.