Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Book Marketing for Fiction and Nonfiction Show 12-06-2012



Book Marketing for Fiction and Nonfiction Authors want to know ... How do I sell more books? How do I really promote them? How to find and drill down into a niche? What tracking tools are important ... and what should be tracked? Is there a difference with fiction and nonfiction. What about children's books? This edition of Your Guide to Book Publishing with Dr. Judith Briles is just what the Book Shepherd ordered. Join Judith as her guest Book Marketer Dana Lynn Smith as they brainstorm and reveal a variety of techniques and steps to market your books--whether they are fiction or nonfiction. Dana Lynn Smith is known as the Savvy Book Marketer with 17 years of book publishing experience. You will learn: -Why book marketing is critical. -Steps to become visible. -How to get your book out there. -Why marketing must be customized. -Savvy tips with working with Amazon's --KDP Select program. -4 components of of marketing -And much more ... Another lively hour on Your Guide to Book Publishing with Dr. Judit