Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Foreign Rights, You and Your Book Show 11-8-2012



Foreign Rights, You and Your Book One of the reason why you wrote a book in the first place was to gain notoriety, to generate profits, to deliver valuable information, to be of service ... and probably some place in that mix, to benerfit from the leverabge that occurs once you produce an intellectual property. If you have a book, think outside sales... like in other countries. Getting your book published in a foreign country is much easier than you think according to Judith's guest, Jeff Davidson. He's sold 141 foreign sales. Learn strategies for getting started. Whom to sell to and how to find them. What terms are fair, and what to offer. And so much more. Every day, authors are featured. Have you been? Would you like to? Another lively hour with Dr. Judith Briles author of Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms and Show Me About Book Publishing plus 28 more.